Thursday, March 10, 2011

World Predator & Hunting Expo Press Release

Brent Rueb announced yesterday that Scurry Outdoors South has taken the helm of the World Predator & Hunting Expo.

Scurry Outdoors South is continuing the World Championship calling Contest in May at the Great South Predator and Wild Hog Extravaganza in Perry, GA May 20-22nd.

Scurry Outdoors South Website

In addition to the World Calling Contest, there will be featured speakers and seminars that relate to the world of predator hunting and hunting wild hogs. Night vision, spotlight technology, an other equipment that relates to hunting at night, including thermal night vision applications will be demonstrated with hands on seminars.

Now for those of you that are not familiar with the World Championship Calling Contest. It's not a hunting contest by any means. The World Contest here is simply the best people in world coming together on the stage to blow hand calls that are used to call in predators. Judges that know their stuff will award prize money and an honored trophy to the winners. So, practice up, and come compete! You could be the 2011 World Champion Predator Caller!

There's a taxidermy competition that looks interesting as well. Too often we don't have examples of taxidermy to base our choices on when in the market to employ the skills of a taxidermist. I look forward to seeing the entries.

The guest speaker list is filling up fast! Speakers like Byron South, Glenn Guess, Pig Man, Al Morris, and others that are known in the industry will be educating & entertaining the crowds.

Perhaps the biggest news of the year is the location of the next World Predator and Hunting Expo!

I have worked with the Expo for couple of years now, and the location that keeps coming up from hunters wanting to attend is that it be located in Texas. That is soon to be a reality! Preliminary location scouting has lead the Expo to Texas during the summer of 2012! I feel that this is perhaps the best place in the U.S. to have the event.....
Not only are all the required criteria in place for a fantastic show, but the number of hunters within a short drive of the event will substantially boost attendance and participation.

A word about the Scurry brothers that own Scurry Outdoors South....

I'm very impressed with both Ken & Jeff's passion for wanting to promote hunting as a family event. Also, what stands out is that the Scurry Brothers are actually "hands on" hunters that get into the field often to enjoy hunting with friends and family. That is important.
Not only do the Scurry brothers hunt, but they have been in the business of commercial trade shows for major companies for years, so they have the experience needed to promote and execute a major event like the world Predator and Hunting Expo like nobody else that comes to mind. They are real go-getters, and I'm impressed with that. Expect great things with the new Expo!

I will be helping the Scurry's in any way that I can to help organize the upcoming events. I'm honored to be asked to continue my efforts in that direction. After a few years of involvement, I feel like we all have vested interest in this.

Why Predator & Wild Hog?

With the rising costs associated with big game hunting, and the obvious seasons related to big game, not mention the unlikelyhood of even drawing a tag in lots of states, it makes sense that the outdoorsmen that enjoys hunting can enter the world of hunting hogs and predators. First, the cost to hunt hogs and predators is very affordable. There are no seasons in lots of states on coyotes and hogs. That adds to the number of days that we can all enjoy being outdoors hunting. I think we could all do some good by ridding the agriculture industry of hogs and predators while enjoying the hunting...... Millions of dollars of damage to crops and livestock are incurred each year. That cost is passed on to us, the consumer. It also hurts the farmers and ranchers to have their crops and livestock damaged or killed, so they are more likely to grant permission to rid themselves of these animals. Hunters that are responsible and present themselves in the right way to the landowners will surely enjoy many days afield.

I see that wild hog and predator hunting today is doing what turkey hunting did 20 years ago......It's getting very popular, very fast! I would not be surprised to learn that predator hunting and hog hunting is the fastest growing hunting sport in the United States!

Come to the Extravaganza & Expo and see for yourself!

If I can help in any way, please feel free to contact me!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

War on the West

by Barry Stewart

Saturday the 5th of March, a huge crowd of concerned citizens and elected officials gathered at the business/convention center in Silver City, NM to protest the closing of what could be up to 95% of the roads that give public access to the Gila Natl. Forest.

The crowd vastly exceeded expectations with more than 700 coming out to voice their concerns about the road and trail closures in the Gila. Many American veterans, ranchers, outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, RV campers, locals, and people that are concerned about what the government is imposing on an unwilling public had their voices heard.

Crowd in line for the Gila Rally

The featured speaker at the rally was U.S. congressman Steve Pearce. Congressman Pearce said that with all the public lands in New Mexico, and the remainder of the western states that are under consideration for generally locking the lands to public use and access, it is nothing more than a "land grab" by the U.S. Government, and was therefore a "War on the West" started by those in Washington.

Congressman Pearce also stated that shortly before leaving Washington D.C. to attend the important rally, he had spoken to Speaker of the House, John Boehner about the problem, and speaker Boehner assured him that he would help fight this in any way possible.

Congressman Steve Pearce

 With literally millions of acres of public Federal lands rapidly being forced into closure to ranching, recreation, public access, mining, and motor vehicles, this is by far the largest exhibition of illegally locking the American public out of land that were set aside as multiple use by the people of the United States that our country has ever seen. Not only are our National Forest lands such as the Gila on the list, but the Obama Administration is attempting to create numerous National Monuments and Wilderness Areas that will effectively shut down all access for any purpose by the American public without Due Process of Law.

In other words, it is illegal to stop the multiple use of public lands. The Nation Forest Service is currently mandated by FIVE congressional laws that prohibit this lock down of the forest by the government. They are as follows:
1) The Organic Act of 1987
2) The Multiple Use Sustained Yield Act
3) National Forest Management Act
4) National Forest Roads and Trails Act
5) Symms National Recreation Trails Act

There are already in place restrictions and laws that protect the public lands from misuse and exploitation by any person or organization that would harm the interests or natural structure, or species that may be endangered on these lands. So, any further restrictions on the lands that are geared towards keeping the American Public out of our Nation Forests are redundant and illegal.

At the Gila Rally the public outcry was very obviously not in favor of any restrictions on the Gila National Forest, but any public lands in New Mexico that may fall within the same type of government action that is designed to favor radical left wing, special interest groups and keep the American public out of lands legally set aside for public use.

Crowd at the Gila Rally

 The negative outcry from the crowd at the Gila Rally highlighted that the vast majority of people that live in, around, or have any plans to use public lands in New Mexico are vehemently opposed to any further obstuction by the U.S. Government to limit the use of the land.

Many elected officials and organizations from all over the state of New Mexico were in attendence to further voice the disapproval of this lockdown. Local government officials and civic organizations resounded the need to implement legal action needed to insure the American public's right to federal lands.

Public Outcry
Please write your elected officials and show your support for keeping our American Public Lands open.  This will end up affecting not only us, but future generations as well. We need to keep in mind that land grabs that are orchestrated by special interest groups will fall upon deaf ears with government officials if these government officials that support such actions are personally held responsible for thier actions by the American voting public.

Monday, February 21, 2011


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